Color composite thumbnail image of AF AndAF And (J004333.09+411210.4)

Find In Simbad Query LGGS Massey (2016) at VizieR

ATEL 10502 (2017 June 17 UT)

In ATEL 10383 we reported the classical Luminous Blue Variable (Humphreys & Davidson, 1994) AF And = J004333.08+411210.3 = Var 19 in M31 (Hubble & Sandage, 1953) has brightened and grown redder over the last 800 days, indicating the start of a possible S Dor outburst.  A low-res spectrum (R~350) taken by S. Williams and M. Darnely on 2017 May 20.23 UT with SPRAT on the Liverpool Telescope shows the He I emission present in 2010, 2013, and 2015 has disappeared and the O I 777nm triplet is possibly in absorption.  These indicate a change in spectrum to a lower temperature, consistent with an S Doradus eruption.


Comparison of May 2017 spectrum with earlier LBT spectra from 2010 and 2015

Comparison of May 2017 spectrum with earlier LBT spectra from 2010 and 2015


By John C. Martin, University of Illinois Springfield Henry R. Barber Research Observatory

Generated on 2017-06-17 12:30 UT-5